Guerrilla Games' stunningly-gorgeous open world action game Horizon Zero Dawn was one of Sony's biggest hits of the last few years, with the
surprise that a follow-up to the PS4 hit is reportedly in the pipeline, with the developer seemingly confirming previous rumors about
Horizon Zero Dawn 2 via a new job listing.With the PlayStation 5 confirmed to arrive in late 2020, it's likely that the game will be
developed exclusively for Sony's next-generation PlayStation console."Within Guerrilla, we have four teams dedicated to creating the
stunning environments of Horizon
One team focuses on the creation of lush and stunning vegetation," reads the listing, which specifically aims to hire a Technical Vegetation
assets that are used to dress the game world" and "Collaborate with other Guerrilla developers to meet the narrative, quest, and design
requirements".The first Horizon was (and still is) a graphical marvel, so we can expect its sequel to make full use of PS5's 8K and ray