discovered an increasing difference in the download speeds provided by competing retail service providers (RSPs).The report features a
number of rigorous comparisons, but probably the most pertinent of them measures the average download speed provided by an RSP as a
For example, TPG was found to reach (on average) 86.3% of its maximum plan speeds, which would equate to 86.3Mbps for an NBN100 plan.While
risen 2.1% to offer 87.6% of its advertised download speeds during the busy hours.Telstra and Exetel have both increased as well, with a
respective climb of 9.7% and 2.0%, reaching 83.8% and 84.8% respectively
Aussie Broadband, iiNet, MyRepublic, TPG, and Dodo - iPrimus all saw decreases, with the latter dropping down 4.0% in total, giving it a
It was found that HFC (Hybrid Fibre Coaxial) connections experienced the highest average daily outage rate as well as the longest outages,
while both Fibre to the Node (FTTN) and Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) fared slightly better.