WordPress has been around since 2003 and is the most popular blogging software on the market, powering almost a third of the known web
It has also now established itself as the content management system (CMS) of choice.Its professional-grade software, combined with its
flexibility and ease of use has made it popular with web developers and complete beginners alike.A CMS is the user interface application
used to upload, edit and manage all content on a website without having to learn code
This spelt the gradual decline of web design software like Dreamweaver
In other words, if you wanted to add a new page to your website, this is where you would log in and follow a few simple steps to do
that.Wordpress is already powering a quarter of all websites and we predict no end to its popularity and have explored some of the issues
future WordPress website, other than finding a reputable, reliable and responsive web hosting provider, make sure that your web hosting
Linux is compatible with several development languages
Unless that is, you plan to use Windows-specific applications, in that case, Windows hosting is likely to be the best choice.A good control
MySQL, PHP) : As a solution, LAMP is used for building dynamic websites and applications
Although some of its components are interchangeable, it is generally found in this configuration.MySQL databases : MySQL is an open source
relational database system that is a central component of the LAMP open source web application software stack.2
Shared hosting, dedicated server and VPS for WordPressUnless you need a private, dedicated server for hosting your web site, we recommend
choosing a shared hosting package to start with
This keeps costs low and will be adequate for most small business sites and blogs.However, if you have a high-traffic website, then a shared
hosting plan might not be right for you
theme.If your blog has a moderate to high amount of traffic and gets periodical spikes in traffic, then you should strongly consider a
quickly, then you could be losing money as visitors move along to other websites with better performance.3
Managed hosting for WordPressIf you are considering a VPS, then we highly recommend a managed WordPress hosting provider, as they specialise
managed hosting package for that
When you choose a managed WordPress hosting company, they will handle all of the backend tasks associated with your WordPress-powered
website.They focus on what they do best so you can focus on what you do best
In addition to hosting your site, they provide WordPress-specific knowledge and expertise.This specialty service allows them to focus on
such things as WordPress performance, security, optimisation and other necessary services specific to WordPress
Having people who know the ins-and-outs of WordPress and all of its features will ensure that your website gets the best care possible.This
is an adapted excerpt from an eBook called "The ultimate guide to web hosting", published by TheIndianSubcontinent Pro in association with