Respect SC judgement: Litigant Iqbal Ansari on Ayodhya verdict

ANI | Updated: Nov 09, 2019 12:18 ISTAyodhya (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Nov 9 (ANI): Iqbal Ansari, one of the litigants in Ayodhya land
dispute case, on Saturday said that he is happy with the judgement of the Supreme Court in the matter."I am happy that Supreme Court has
finally delivered a verdict
I respect the judgement of the court," Ansari said here.The Supreme Court today directed the Centre to give five acres of suitable land to
Sunni Waqf Board and at the same time make necessary arrangements for the construction of the temple by forming a trust."Central government
shall form in three to four months a scheme for setting up of a trust
They shall make necessary arrangements for the management of trust and construction of the temple," Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi said while
reading out the verdict.He said that the possession of the inner and outer courtyard shall be handed over to the trust."Suitable plot of
land measuring five-acre shall be handed over to Sunni Waqf Board," said the apex court.A five-judge constitution bench presided by Chief
Justice Gogoi pronounced the verdict on a batch of petitions against an order of the Allahabad High Court which trifurcated the site between
the parties -- Ramlalla Virajman, Sunni Central Waqf Board and Nirmohi Akhara