Signed up to Disney Plus yet? With the launch of the much-hyped Disney streaming service now here, the first hordes of viewers will be
descending on the service to start browsing, bingeing and bellowing at their favorite Disney Plus titles.Disney Plus may not have the
priority should be, here are the top three shows and films the TheIndianSubcontinent team will be ticking off first
And remember, if the choices here don't take your fancy, you can always check out out best Disney Plus movies guide to fill your next few
evenings.(Image credit: Lucasfilm)1
The MandalorianThe Mandalorian is the kind of Star Wars story it feels like we haven't seen before
Its lead character doesn't talk much, and the show generally feels like the least-talky Star Wars has ever been, with all that busy lore
and that's incredibly refreshing
The slower pace of it might not be for everyone, but at 39 minutes for this first episode, it really respects your time for a modern TV show
Let's hope the rest of the season maintains this level of quality, and that it's a sign of things to come for originals on Disney
Plus.(Image credit: Disney)2
The SimpsonsOne of the most influential sitcoms of all time, The Simpsons has entertained generations of fans with its mix of cartoon
antics, heartfelt drama, and brilliantly wry satire
you can either see where it began or jump into any of the 30 seasons shown here.Be warned, though: Disney has seen fit to put every episode
from the original 4:3 aspect ratio they enjoyed on those old, square CRT televisions, and even lost out on some sight gags as a result
best).(Image credit: Disney / Lucasarts)3
prequels being shown in 4K resolution for the first time
bands we know and love.You can find all the existing Star Wars films on Disney Plus, including Episodes I-VIII, Rogue One, and Solo: A Star