E3: What you might have missed

Image copyrightSquanch GamesImage caption Justin Roiland has been a gamer his entire life, and unveiled Trover Saves the
Universe at E3 From Fortnite for the Nintendo Switch to a new Halo, there have been some huge announcements at E3 2018.But
amid all the noise some smaller - but no less interesting - games slipped under the radar
Key insights from the bigger trailers are also lost as the next wave of news pulls the industry's attention away.As the world's biggest
games conference wraps, here are 7 games and details you might have missed at the show
Rick and Morty creator's new game Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland unveiled Trover Saves the Universe during Sony's press
conference.How it's played is unclear, but Trover shares the humour of Roiland's other creations."Your dogs have been dognapped by a beaked
lunatic who stuffed them into his eye holes and is using their life essence to destroy the Universe," reads the official website's
description of the game
Trover Saves the Universe will launch on PS4 and PS VR in 2019.Vacation SimulatorImage copyrightOwlchemy LabsImage caption
Robots are running the show, and they sometimes get it wrong. When robots took everyone's jobs in 2050, the robots built
an experience for humanity to relive the glory days of menial labour.That was Job Simulator, and Vacation Simulator is its sequel
This time you're "learning" what it was like to take a holiday by doing so in virtual reality.Instead of flipping hot dogs and sending
faxes, this time you snap selfies and search rock pools on a VR beach.It has the same cheeky humour as the original, and will be playable on
Oculus, PS VR, and HTC Vive
SableImage copyrightShedworksImage caption You use a hover bike to explore the world in Sable. With its
pastel colours and distinctive hand-drawn aesthetic, Sable is one of the prettiest games of E3.It's the creation of independent developer
Shedworks, and is an exploration game about a girl called Sable exploring a post-apocalyptic desert.Shedworks was inspired by Zelda: Breath
of the Wild, so the open world is scattered with points of interest that tempt you to stray from your current quest.As she picks her way
through the skeletons of retro-futurist architecture, she slowly earns her place among her tribe in this coming-of-age narrative.Sekiro:
Shadows Die TwiceImage copyrightFrom SoftwareImage caption You play a ninja exploring Japan in the 1500s
The Dark Souls games are characterised by punishing combat, and Sekiro is cut from the same cloth.Directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki, the man
behind Dark Souls and Bloodborne, Sekiro is the story of a Ninja travelling through Japan in the 16th century
It's not historically accurate, however, and imagines the Sengoku period filled with giant snakes and flame-clad enemies.The main
character's arm is a prosthetic, and can be customised into different weapons or even a grappling hook
AfterpartyImage copyrightAlamyImage caption Developer Night School specialises in rich narratives. There
aren't many games where you can play beer pong with Satan himself, so Afterparty has surely carved itself a niche.Best friends Lola and Milo
are in the depths of hell, and must beat the Devil in a series of drinking games before they can earn their lives back
It's a far-fetched premise bolstered by the pedigree of its developers, Night School.Afterparty looks to be another well-written narrative
adventure in the same vein as Night School's critically acclaimed Oxenfree.The theory behind Death Stranding's monstersImage copyrightKojima
ProductionsImage caption This screenshot from the game was captured at 4K resolution on a PS4 Pro Hideo
Kojima's surreal action game, Death Stranding, dominated headlines after a game play reveal.But eagle-eyed viewers may have spotted some
details that the rest of the industry missed
Sam's companion, Seydoux, notes in the trailer that he has a "chiral allergy." Chirality refers to the building blocks of life itself,
encompassing biomolecules like acids, proteins and sugars.It comes from the Greek word kheir, meaning "hand," and hand prints are how
players know Death Stranding's invisible monsters are near
This has led some to believe that Death Stranding's enemies are a new form of living being composed of these biomolecules
But are they a natural occurrence or were they created as a weaponDamage matters in the Last of Us 2Image copyrightNaughty DogImage caption
Ellie is 19 when we meet her in The Last of Us 2 The PlayStation conference opened with our first look at
how The Last of Us 2 will actually play.Combat has been overhauled in this post-apocalyptic sequel, set in a world where the cordyceps
fungus has wiped out society
Some fans noticed that new kinds of status effects can affect the player
So if an arrow gets stuck in your arm, you're distracted by the pain and unable to use your listen mode to find enemies.This addition means
combat should have an extra level of realism and tension, compared to the first game.Follow Newsbeat on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
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