Ismail Akhalwaya, research scientist at IBM Research Lab in Africa, told TheIndianSubcontinent Middle East in an exclusive
qubit mounted on a chip (Image credit: IBM)What is quantum bit or qubit?On a classical computer, data can be processed in an exclusive
binary state at any point in time, that is, either 0 (off) or 1 (on) but in quantum computing, it can work in two-way mode which means that
it can be in a superposition of 0 and 1 via a qubit or quantum bit
Qubits can be in multiple basis states at the same time, which is known as quantum superposition.So, while one qubit can be in a
superposition of two states, 10 qubits, exploiting entanglement, can be in a superposition of 1,024 states
This phenomenon leads to an exponential growth of the possible states that can be represented concerning the number of qubits.Doubling
The challenge is how to keep the noise [environmental influence] down
Intelligence Lab, and it states that quantum computing power should grow at a double exponential rate compared to classical computing.As per
computer in the cloud, 53 qubits, and it is available to its more than 80 Q Network customers, including Wells Fargo, which joined this past
It is a good measure to show not only the increasing number of qubits but also that the quality of the qubits is increasing as well
volume is the largest number of qubits by the longest time that you can run the programme before noise creeps in
We currently have a quantum volume of 16
In the quantum case, the environment interferes with the delicate state and information leaks out, which means that environmental influence
by using error correction
We are working towards that
Commercial implementation of quantum computers is happening now, but it is still five to 10 years away for mass adoption
client took seven years to incorporate GPU into their workplace and so, you can imagine how much time it will take to incorporate quantum
computing.Quantum computing has many benefits; he said and added that it has a massive speedup in many types of calculation, especially in
chemical energy levels, it is not that accurate on a classical computer or in a supercomputer
within the atoms and the joining of molecules is a quantum mechanical process and quantum mechanics involve multiple steps.Extending window
of computationIn a chemical reaction, Akhalwaya said that single additional electrons can double the number of possible configurations of a
We need 1,000 noisy qubits to build one clean qubit
in an old car, every single part may need to be replaced but you can still drive the car for some time
for longer periods from parts that last a few milliseconds and that is made possible by technology, mathematics and a proper understanding
These qubits are sitting on a silicon substrate and this substrate itself is interfering with the qubits and the qubits interfering with
computers available for its customers.Akhalwaya said the mission is to increase the quantum volume every year and involve more corporates
We need classical computers to load the information on to quantum computers
It will be like a GPU on a classical computer
We use the GPU only when we need it
So, we will be using quantum computers only when we need it like a GPU