It can't have escaped your attention that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are almost upon us, with an absolute blitz of discounts set to be
unleashed on various tech products as ever.What you want to do is make sure that you get your Black Friday buys at an established and
well-respected manufacturer like Dell, which doesn't just produce high-quality hardware, but also provides excellent aftersales service to
boot.It doesn't hurt that Dell often has some of the best Black Friday deals you'll see anywhere, too
Friday.The best laptopFirst off, it's worth underlining the quality of Dell's various hardware offerings
On the laptop front, for example, there's the XPS range which benefits from a slick design and appearance, along with excellent build
quality and finish.And like many of Dell's products, XPS laptops have scooped up awards aplenty
mixing power with portability, complete with better battery life than ever in the laptop's 2019 incarnation (and battery longevity is one of
the most important aspects of a portable PC).Naturally, it isn't just high-end products that Dell excels at, either
The elements that Dell's designers and engineers perfect in the likes of the premium XPS range trickle down to also benefit more affordable
laptops such as the Inspiron series, which encompasses convertible notebooks, gaming machines and even amazingly wallet-friendly
Dell provides a strong spec with powerful components inside relative to the asking price.And this philosophy carries through to other Dell
hardware like its desktop PCs, which are great value for money (even before any Black Friday discounts) and reliable, plus they benefit from
a similarly attractive design as the company's notebooks.Dell's XPS Tower is currently the overall top pick in our roundup of the best PCs
out there, and with good reason
It's compact and sleek, while benefiting from a selection of 9th-generation Intel Core processors, plus it can be equipped with up to an
Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 graphics card
In other words, you get minimalist lines while there's still a ton of power inside
(Note that the Special Edition is only sold in the US, but UK buyers can simply purchase a regular Dell XPS Tower and upgrade it to a
similar level).Gamers, of course, can turn up all the graphics details on the latest games by getting hold of an Alienware Gaming PC, with
some stupendously powerful products in the Area 51 Threadripper range
And at the other end of the scale, bargain hunters can pick up a Dell Inspiron Desktop with 9th-gen Intel Core CPUs, with these computers
representing truly excellent value propositions in terms of pure price/performance ratio.(Image credit: Dell)Excellent monitors and PC
accessoriesDell is also known for its excellent monitors and other PC accessories
Dell's UltraSharp pro-grade range is renowned through the industry for its image quality, which isn't surprising when there are options such
as the Dell UltraSharp UP3218K
When we reviewed this 8K monitor we observed that it has a simply stunning picture with fantastic colour accuracy to boot; you simply won't
And Dell has much more affordable displays on offer, not to mention a range of innovative products such as ultra-wide curved monitors which
that can be split into two, so it effectively becomes a pair of 27-inch QHD monitors which you can use seamlessly side-by-side
Another nifty innovation is the KVM feature which allows you to use two PCs with this monitor, but with just one keyboard and one mouse
(switching these peripherals between the two computers at will).As well as computers and monitors, it's also worth remembering that Dell
Whatever you're after on the PC front, Dell's online store almost certainly has you covered.Another reason to buy Dell come Black Friday is
the Dell Advantage scheme, which allows UK students and employees of businesses who purchase Dell machines to get discounts across the
entire range of Dell's consumer products
This exclusive loyalty programme runs throughout the entire year, not just during Black Friday.(Image credit: Dell)Expect some storming
bargainsAs for the Black Friday deals themselves, we can expect some storming bargains, and this is probably the best reason of all to head
for the Dell site on Black Friday or Cyber Monday
For evidence of this, we only need to look back at the sort of discounts which were applied to various Dell products last year.A good
example is on Cyber Monday 2018 when Dell slashed the prices of some monitors in half
receiving a quality product (and sterling support to back it).QrHqjsiJR9HsCmhLr9Tc8H.jpg?#