The Hulu Black Friday deal is back: just $1.99 a month for an entire year

There's a Hulu Black Friday deal for $1.99 a month that's nearly impossible to pass up
In fact, we just signed up for an account ourselves today, it's that good of a price.The biggest Hulu perk these days is how much it costs
every Black Friday, not just the fact that is offers a host TV shows like The Handmaid's Tale, Castle Rock, and reruns of Brooklyn
Nine-Nine, Fraiser, and Seinfeld (well, that last one until 2021 at least).At just $24 for the entire year, Hulu has the best price among
streaming services
It even beats Disney Plus, and Disney happens to be Hulu's majority owner
At this rate, even if you seldom watch Hulu, it can still be worth it.Hulu for $1.99/month:$5.99 now just $1.99/month at HuluYou could pay
$6 a month for Hulu's memorable TV shows and movies, or you could pay just $2 a month for the best deal in streaming
We did
according to the company
If you signed up for last year's Cyber Monday deal that cost $1 a month for 12 months of the service, you technically won't be eligible for
this deal.However, we jumped on that deal last year and we were still able to get this year's Hulu special offer for just $1.99 a month
to get creative.Either way, streaming platforms are becoming increasingly competitive in 2019, and that's to our advantage
Price has become the biggest selling point for getting Hulu, and renewing it is slowly becoming a Black Friday tradition for us.Yes, this is