Update: And, at the second time of asking, this Google Pixel 4 deal has finally departed its mortal coil
It was the best we'd ever seen, but that doesn't mean there are some narrowly worse offers still available on the company's latest and
Head to our dedicated Google Pixel 4 deals guide for all of your current giveths and then takeths awayand then giveths
once more! First it came up trumps for Black Friday with the best Google Pixel 4 deal we've seen since the handset was released
Then it told us that the offer would expire on Sunday night
On its own, that's sublime
But when you consider the FREE Google Home Hub that is also throwing in, you're looking at a bargain like no other.The
retailer is now telling us (again) that the offer will finally end at 9pm tonight
If that turns out to be true this time and you really like this offer, then we suggest you get in there quick to ensure you bag this best
price.The best Pixel 4 deal EVER for Black Friday:Is the Google Pixel 4 any good?The Google Pixel 4 offers a number of innovative features
It's the first phone to fully implement motion sense features, allowing you to use the phone with gestures.The processor has gotten a major
upgrade, finally bringing the Pixel range up to competitive standards of RAM, and the OLED screen has seen major improvements, now capable
of 90HZ refresh rates and offering ambient EQ technology that lets you adjust the screen to your environment.Read our full Google Pixel 4
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