Apple is picking winners from its software and entertainment ecosystem, which was bursting with content in 2019, partly due to the debut of
Apple Arcade and Apple TV Plus.The Cupertino firm is now spotlighting the best apps, games, podcasts, and even big trends through a new
celebratory showcase dubbed the 'App Store's Best of 2019'.With Best of 2019, the company's App Store editorial team is touting its
favorites on each hardware platform, from the iPhone and iPad to Mac and Apple TV.Here are the winners of app awards and app trends,
Year: Affinity Publisher (Serif Labs)Apple TV App of the Year: The Explorers (The Explorers Network)App Trend of 2019: Storytelling
iPhone and its portability.iPhone Game of the Year: Sky: Children of the Light (thatgamecompany)iPad Game of the Year: Hyper Light Drifter
It's based on original hits reimagined
completely forgotten, Apple is giving podcasts much-needed limelight with the following picks:Best True Crime Show - White LiesBest Fiction
App Store spotlight their personal favorites
The redesigned App Store that debuted with iOS 12 helped, but we like easy, simple-to-read lists, too.And there's something to be said about
the editorialized picks here
It's about seeing more than commercially successful brands like Angry Birds, Instagram, TikTok and others dominate the game and app charts