Since the launch in the US of YouTube Music, the question most people have been asking is: why isn't this a direct replacement to Google
Play MusicOn paper, both apps offer similar functionality
But YouTube Music has the added bonus of being able to tap into the vast archive of YouTube for its music, as well as the videos that go
alongside this.At the UK launch of YouTube Music and YouTube Premium, TheIndianSubcontinent asked T Jay Fowler, head of product at YouTube,
exactly that question and it's something that the company is working very hard to figure out.It turns out there is a very good reason the
apps are currently co-existing: it's all about making sure that all functionality that Google Play Music users currently enjoy is eventually
very hard to bring the two experiences together," said Fowler to TheIndianSubcontinent
"Supporting two apps on the market does come with some challenges and there are some beloved features in Google Play Music that we are in
the process of building [into YouTube Music]."But until we have those features we have a commitment to those users."When it comes to the
specific features, Fowler pointed out user profiles, bringing over users' playlists and, most importantly, the locker service
This is the section of Google Play Music where users upload their current music collections to the cloud, ready to stream wherever they
and are out now in 17 countries in total, including Australia and the US.If you are already a subscriber to Google Play Music, then you will