The clock is ticking on a superb SIM only deal from Smarty - 100GB data for £17 a month

When we look back at the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals of 2019, some of the biggest names in mobiles will stand out
Three, Vodafone, Carphone Warehouse - they all brought their best game to the table.But one name you may not have heard of before is Smarty
It's one worth getting familiar with, as it constantly seems to deliver some of the best SIM only deals available in the UK.The offer it
Plus, on top of the price and data combo, the big sell here is the contract length
Smarty contracts operate on a 1-month rolling basis, meaning you can stay for as little or long as you like
They won't tie you in to anything longer.We've listed everything you need to know about this offer below, but be aware that this offer isn't
much longer for this worldit's set to end today, so if you like the sound of it, you'll need to get in there quick.Smarty's Mega SIM only
And to make this offer even better, Smarty contracts only last for 1 month meaning you can stay for exactly how long you wish.DEAL ENDS ON
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3View DealAre Smarty SIM only deals better than Three's?Coincidentally (or, to be honest, probably not), Three's Black
Friday SIM only deals are looking very similar to Smarty's
month.That may be tempting, as Three is undoubtedly a more recognisable name in this field and will have the same 4G coverage as Smarty
But the one thing Smarty has over Three is its flexibility and that prospect of being able to break your contract at any time
a name giving the big retailers some serious competition - let us tell you why.With an excellent mix of cheap SIM only deals and big data
bargains, Smarty covers most of the market's needs
And, with its 1-month rolling contracts, you can stay for as long as you like, making this the perfect stop over option.One final benefit?
Smarty allows you to tether your devices to your phone meaning you can use up that 100GB of data across your bargain Black Friday laptop,