Apple is buying Intel's modem chip business

the market by Qualcomm.In a recent blog post, executive vice president and general counsel at Intel, Steven R
Rodgers explained that the chipmaker was forced out of the market due to Qualcomm's patent licensing practices and he argued that the
But when all was said and done, Intel could not overcome the artificial and insurmountable barriers to fair competition created by
the appeal is concluded.Back in May, US District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose wrote a 233-page decision in which she said that Qualcomm's
Koh then ordered the company to renegotiate its licensing agreements to be more reasonable.Qualcomm has denied the FTC's accusations against
it and other parts of the US government have even urged the appeals court to pause enforcement of the FTC ruling against the
company.However, replacing Qualcomm won't be so easy as both the Pentagon and the Department of Energy said in July that Qualcomm was a
US Circuit Court of Appeals, where Qualcomm is currently trying to overturn an antitrust decision against it following a lawsuit by the US
Federal Trade Commission.Via Business Insider