Disney Plus announces upcoming Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge game show

Can't get enough Star Wars content on Disney Plus? Well, you're in luck, because the streaming service has announced an exclusive
Jedi-themed game show for kids.Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge will see its prospective Padawans undergo a series of tests in the "Jedi
principles of strength, knowledge, and bravery", so we're expecting something in the vein of Ninja Warrior with puzzle-solving and quiz-like
board a Jedi star cruiser (safe to assume the contestants will have to escape trash compactors and swing across chasms), and inside a Jedi
temple (lightsaber duels are a must).Like any game show worth its weight in quarter-portions, Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge will also
(Ye gods, whatta meesa sayin'??)Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge is set to arrive on Disney Plus sometime in 2020