This last week had a couple of interesting changes announced and rumored from Microsoft (disclosure Microsoft is a client of the author)
The first was some needed changes to Office that will likely upset a lot of people
The second was the announcement of a Generation 3 HoloLens
(What happened to generation 2 Well, like Windows 9, Microsoft pretty much just skipped it.) And third was the application of AI in the
patching process that could dramatically reduce the expense and aggravation attached to it
Let talk about each in turn.Office updates
Starting with the new Office updates; first a new simplified ribbon designed to help people
better focus on their work and more naturally collaborate with others
It is also more customizable, so the most used features will be easier to access
The appearance of the product better uses the improved graphics performance on newer PCs, so the product will look more modern
And finally, search has been improved with a stronger AI back end that will provide recommendations and a better connection to Microsoft
Microsoft Graph is a new capability in across Microsoft applications that improve user onboarding, helps manage employee profiles, helps
with document conversion, and improves email syncing.