'I don't know Prince Andrew' - 17 things Trump said today

Donald Trump has given a wide-ranging interview in which he said he wasn't interested in the NHS and that Russia wants to do an arms control
deal with NATO.Mr Trump is in London with the NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg and other members of the group for a two-day summit
which marks 70 years since it was formed.Here are the highlights of his breakfast press conference.'The EU treats the US very unfairly on
trade'On the NHS being part of a future trade deal"No, not at all
I have nothing to do with it
Never even thought about it, honestly."I don't even know where that rumour started."We have absolutely nothing to do with it, and we
wouldn't want to
If you handed it to us on a silver platter, we'd want nothing to do with it."On Prince Andrew"I don't know Prince Andrew, but that's a tough
story, it's a very tough story
I don't know him, no."Image:Donald Trump and Prince AndrewOn the UK election"I'll stay out of the election
I'm a fan of Brexit, I called it
I was here, they asked if it was going to happen and I said yes and they smiled, it was just my opinion."I'll stay out of it, but Boris is
very capable and I think he will do a good job."About Mr Corbyn: "I can work with anybody, I'm a very easy person to work with."On Mr Corbyn
and antisemitism"I know nothing about the gentleman."On Brexit"You know that I was a fan of Brexit, I called it the day before
I was opening up Turnberry [hotel and golf resort] the day before Brexit, you were there, many of you were there, and I recognise many of
you were there."They asked me whether or not Brexit would happen I said 'Yes' and everybody smiled and they laughed and I said 'Yes it's
going to happen, in my opinion, it's just my opinion' and the next day they had the election and I was right."But I stay out of it
I think Boris is very capable and he'll do a good job.":: Listen to Divided States on Apple podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and
SpreakerOn France and Emmanuel Macron"Nobody needs NATO more than France.""France is not doing well economically at all, they are struggling
It's a tough statement to make when you have such difficulty in France."You look at what happened with the Yellow Vests, they've had a rough
year, you can't go around making statements like that about NATO
It's very disrespectful.""That's why I think when France makes a statement like they do about NATO that's a very dangerous statement for
them to make."'We wouldn't want NHS if it was on silver platter'On France taxing digital companies"Well look, I'm not in love with those
companies - Facebook, Google and all of them, Twitter - though I guess I do pretty well with Twitter on the other side - but I'm not
necessarily in love with those companies
But they're our companies, they're American companies, I want to tax those companies."They're not going to be taxed by France
So France is going to put a tax on, it was totally out of the blue, they just had an idea, Emmanuel had an idea, let's tax those companies,
well they're American companies
I'm not going to let people take advantage of American companies because if anyone's going to take advantage of American companies it's
going to be us, it's not going to be France."And so we're taxing, as you know, we're taxing their wines, and everything else and we have a
very, very big tax to put on them
Plus we have a tax going on on Airbus and that would be a good thing for Boeing but we're only going to do that if it's necessary."But
they're American companies
I don't want France taxing American companies
If they're going to be taxed it's going to be the United States that will tax them."Trump: 'I'll stay out of UK election'On Harry Dunn's
caseHe said Mr Dunn's parents were "lovely people"."We're trying to work something out."On China"China has become very powerful and much
more so than in the past
They've done it largely with United States money because our past presidents allowed them to steal the cookie cutter and that's OK."I don't
begrudge China for that
I am very disappointed in our past presidents and leadership
They allowed this to happen
There's no way it should have happened."And by the way, I'm doing very well in a deal with China, if I want to make it
It's not if they want to make it, it's if I want to make it
And we'll see what happens."On North Korea and Kim Jong-Un"Likes sending rockets up, doesn't he? That's why I call him rocket man.""We have
a very good relationship and we'll see what happens
It may work or not
But in the meantime, it's been a long time
President Obama said it's the number one problem and it would have been war
You'd be in a war right now if it weren't for me."If I weren't president, you'd be in a war right now in Asia
And who knows where that leads? That brings in a lot of other countries."On Mr Kim, he added: "You know my relationship with Kim Jong Un is
really good but that doesn't mean he won't abide by the agreement we signed
You have to understand, you have to go look at the first agreement that we signed
It said he will denuclearise
That's what it said
I hope he lives up to the agreement but we're going to find out."On TurkeyOn whether there was a place for Turkey in NATO, he said he would
have to ask the other countries."We have a good relationship with Turkey, we left their border, we had been on their border long enough,
they are doing just fine."We have a small group fighting the remnants of ISIS, but we have defeated the ISIS caliphate, we have done that
very quickly."We have knocked it down to zero but it pops up every now and then and so we have a small group there."On sanctions he said:
"We did a deal which everyone was critical of and now people say it works."I want to get our soldiers out of there but I want to keep the
oil."I get along very well with the president, I hope he will be a good member of NATO."He said the Turkish military had been helpful and
supportive and "could not have been nicer".On impeachment"It's really just a continuation of the hoaxes and the witch hunt of the last three
years."I think it's unpatriotic of the democrats to put on a performance when they do that
It's a bad thing for our country."Impeachment wasn't meant to be used that way."You can read the transcripts, you'll see there was nothing
done wrong."He said the two calls were "absolutely perfect" and the Democrats "wasted a lot of time".He later said the Republican party had
never been so united.On NATO and payments"NATO serves a great purpose, it got to be unfair for the United States because it was paying a
disproportionate amount."It has a great purpose, especially with the fact that NATO is becoming much more flexible in terms of what it looks
at."On the US Military"When I took over, as commander in chief, our military was depleted, in trouble, we had old planes, old everything
We didn't have ammunition."We are by far the most powerful country in the world."If we have to, we will use it," he said.On South KoreaHe
said: "We are spending a tremendous amount of money to protect South Korea and we think that it's fair that they pay substantially
more."They agreed to pay approximately $500m a year more for protection
We only have a month or two before the budget ended, they are good business people but they agreed to pay almost $500m more, that got them
up to $1bn."Now we are negotiating for them to pay more
We are paying a lot to protect them," he said.Mr Trump said he had not revealed the figure before.On IranHe said: "Iran is killing, perhaps,
thousands and thousands of people as we speak
That's why they cut off the internet."They cut off the internet so people can't see what's going on."Frankly, I don't know how you get in
there, but you ought to see what's going on."Thousands are being killed, protesters."Not just small numbers, which are bad, but big numbers,
which are really bad."On RussiaHe said: "I think NATO should always be in dialogue with Russia
You can have a very good relationship with Russia."He added: "I have to say this Russia wants to make a deal on arms control and I
terminated the deal because they weren't living up to it and it was an obsolete deal anyway."They weren't living up to it but Russia wants
to make a deal as recently as like two weeks ago, Russia very much wants to make a deal on arms control and nuclear and that's smart and so
do we, we think it would be a good thing and we'll also certainly bring in, as you know, China and we may bring them in now or we may bring
them in later but Russia wants to do something badly and so do we it would be a great thing to do."