Rumors have circulated for some time about a lower-cost next-gen Xbox console that would sit just below Project Scarlett, the high-end
console Microsoft announced this past year at E3
know that there is indeed a lower-specced console in the works from Microsoft that will still play all the next-gen games.Project Lockhart
will be disc-less console - a trait that it will carry forward from the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition - but Kotaku's sources believe it
CPU than any current game console.The report goes on to say that Microsoft told developers to shoot for a 1440p resolution and 60
frames-per-second frame rate with Project Lockhart and 4K/60 with Project Scarlett, and those same developers have likened the performance
will sit beneath Project Scarlett - the Xbox One X equivalent for the next-generation of consoles - and that Project Lockhart will primarily
first-hand experience with both, neither do they.Those questions, and many more, will likely be answered sometime in 2020 when both consoles