Chinese residents worry about rise of facial recognition

Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption Some buses in Shanghai have had facial recognition systems fitted to them
A survey by a Beijing research institute indicates growing pushback against facial recognition in China.Some 74% of respondents
said they wanted the option to be able to use traditional ID methods over the tech to verify their identity
Worries about the biometric data being hacked or otherwise leaked was the main concern cited by the 6,152 respondents.Facial recognitions
systems are being rolled out in stations, schools, and shopping centres across the country
The survey, first reported in the West by The Financial Times, was released on Thursday by the Nandu Personal Information Protection
Research Centre.It has been described as being one of the first major studies of its kind into public opinion on the subject in mainland
China.Some 80% of respondents said they were concerned that facial recognition system operators had lax security measures
Separate research suggests that they have good reason to be concerned.China was ranked the worst of 50 surveyed countries in a study looking
at how extensively and invasively biometric ID and surveillance systems are being deployed
The work was carried out by the cybersecurity firm Comparitech
It said China had no "specific law to protect citizens' biometrics" and highlighted a "lack of safeguards for employees in the
workplace".Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption Some cities are deploying facial recognition systems at road
crossings to identify and deter jaywalkers Surveillance concernsNandu's survey was carried out via the internet between
October and November
In its sample, 57% of respondents voiced concern about their movements being tracked.In addition, 84% of people said they wanted to be able
to review the data that facial recognition systems had collected on them and to be able to request that it should be deleted
The majority said they wanted an option to be able to use ID cards, driving licenses and/or passports as an alternative
But the survey also suggested that between 60 to 70% of Chinese residents believed facial recognition made public places safer.Hard to
avoidChina has more facial recognition cameras than any other country and they are often hard to avoid
Earlier this week, local reports said that Zhengzhou, the capital of the northeastern Henan province, had become the first Chinese city to
roll the tech out across all its subway train stations
Commuters can use the technology to automatically authorise payments instead of scanning a QR code on their phones
For now, it is a voluntary option, said the China Daily.Earlier this month, university professor Guo Bing announced he was suing Hangzhou
Safari Park for enforcing facial recognition
Prof Guo, a season ticket holder at the park, had used his fingerprint to enter for years, but was no longer able to do so
The case was covered in the government-owned media, indicating that the Chinese Communist Party is willing for the private use of the
technology to be discussed and debated by the public.Media playback is unsupported on your deviceMedia captionWATCH: TheIndianSubcontinent's
John Sudworth put a Chinese facial recognition system to the test in December 2007But the state continues to make some uses of the tech
At the start of the month, a new regulation came into force that requires mobile phone subscribers to have their faces scanned when they
sign a new contract with a provider
The authorities say the move is designed to prevent the resale of Sim cards to help combat fraud
But country-watchers have suggested it may also be used to help the police and other officials keep track of the population.