Here's the new Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker clip shown in Fortnite

Today, JJ Abrams unveiled an all-new clip of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker inside Fortnite, with the footage debuting at Risky Reels
inside the game
Luckily, you don't need to play the game to actually see the clip
You'll see Rey performing a Jedi mind trick on some First Order soldiers, in the company of Poe Dameron and Finn
The clip is roughly a minute long, but it'll help pass the time until Episode 9 releases next week:The event was an impressive achievement
by Epic and its collaborators
It actually kicked off with a Star Wars-themed set piece, as the Millennium Falcon circled Risky Reels in battle with some TIE Fighters
Geoff Keighley, who hosts and runs The Game Awards, then interviewed Abrams inside the game, before the clip was presented
Check out the video below for more on what it looked like in-game, starting at about two minutes in, for the highlights:Fans who logged in
to watch the event got an exclusive TIE Fighter-themed glider, which caused so much demand that Epic took to Twitter to address login
might've seen a few times in the clip above
than a week away