Anyscale, from the creators of the Ray distributed computing project, launches with $20.6M led by a16z

Open source has become a critical building block of modern software, and today a new startup is coming out of stealth to capitalise on one
of the newer frontiers in open source: using it to build and manage distributed application environments, an approach being used
increasingly to handle large computing projects, such as those involving artificial intelligence or scientific or other complex
calculations.Anyscale, a startup founded by the same team that built the Project Ray open-source distributed programming framework out of UC
Capital, Ant Financial, Amplify Partners, 11.2 Capital and The House Fund.The company plans to use the money to build out its first
computing project from one laptop to a cluster of machines; and a group of libraries and applications to manage projects
Intel is one of the big companies that has been using Ray for its own computing projects, alongside Amazon, Microsoft and Ant
hyperparameter selection techniques and auto modeling processes used for creating personalized chip tests
free-to-use Ray, you might ask yourself, what is the purpose of Anyscale? As Stoica and Nishihara explained, the idea will be to create
The problem that Anyscale is solving is a central one to the future of large-scale, involved computing projects: there are an increasing
array of problems that are being tackled with computing solutions, but as the complexity of the work involved increases, there is a limit to
how much work a single machine (even a big one) can handle
(Indeed, Anyscale cites IDC figures estimating that the amount of data created and copied annually will reach 175 zettabytes by 2025.)While
realistic option, and so distributed computing has emerged as a solution.Ray was devised as a standard to use to implement distributed
computing expert
speaks to the opportunities that are being spotted here
He added that the firm has been a regular investor into projects coming out of UC Berkeley