Finding the right reporter to cover your startup

reporters who have reach, respect and expertise when you choose who to talk to
shortchange you, or blow up in your face
There are challenges and setbacks and scary looming questions
But an honest article from a respected voice with a big enough audience can legitimize a business as it tries to turn vision into
conduct an announcement
If you have more questions or ideas for ExtraCrunch posts, feel free to reach out to me via Twitter or elsewhere.Why should you believe me?
of startup competitions
companies as they grow.Deciding which publications to targetWhich publications do you currently read and respect?Starting here ensures that
But you also have to consider which publications appeal in that way to your target demographic
appeal to a niche audience aligned with a specific publication, you can definitely score some leads and installs, priming the pump so when
users hear about you again, they already have a positive association for your brand
loops directly into your product.Once you identify a realistic objective for gaining press coverage, you can figure out which reporters and
can inspire other outlets to write up follow-on coverage
It rarely works the other way around, since top publishers want to be seen as first to a story and forging trends rather than following them
with late coverage
These outlets often have greater reach in terms of home page traffic, social following, SEO and shareability.The exception to this strategy:
that publication better aligns with your overall goals
Here, expertise is key.