BigID bags another $50M round as data privacy laws proliferate

Almost exactly 4 months to the day after BigID announced a $50 million Series C, the company was back today with another $50 million round
The Series C extension came entirely from Tiger Global Management
to understand the data a company has and manage that in the context of increasing privacy regulation including GDPR in Europe and CCPA in
California, which went into effect this month.BigID CEO and co-founder Dimitri Sirota admits that his company formed at the right moment
when it launched in 2016, but says he and his co-founders had an inkling that there would be a shift in how governments view data
While he understands that there are lots of competing companies going after this market, he believes that being early helped his startup
establish a brand identity earlier than most.Meanwhile, the privacy regulation landscape continues to evolve
Even as California privacy legislation is taking effect, many other states and countries are looking at similar regulations
D, and in fact still has B money in the bank, but when big investors want to give you money on decent terms, you take it while the money is
These investors clearly see the data privacy landscape expanding and want to get involved
At some point, you put it to work
The company has big plans to expand beyond its privacy roots and into other areas of security in the coming year
old, it has been amazingly proficient at raising money with a $14 million Series A and a $30 million Series B in 2018, followed by the $50
million Series C last year, and the $50 million round today
City, already has some employees in Europe and Asia, but he expects additional international expansion in 2020
Overall the company has around 165 employees at the moment and he sees that going up to 200 by mid-year as they make a push into some new