Oil rise may keep India stocks in check, $4 billion manager says

By Ameya KarveWhile Indian equities have been pinched this year by internal and external concerns including the threat of a global trade
Brent crude has surged nearly 65 per cent from its 12-month low, and may climb further on factors including geopolitical tension in the
Rising crude could cause depreciation of the Indian rupee and hurt investor sentiment, said Patil, who manages 240 billion rupees ($3.7
billion), around 100 billion of which is in equity. Oil dependentThe key stock gauges in India, which imports about 80 per cent of its oil,
are little changed this year after rising about 28 per cent in 2017
While lower crude prices since 2014 helped the indexes set a series of record highs, stocks have been treading water in 2018 amid concern
over global factors such as rising protectionism by the US and China, as well as local issues including additional taxes on stock gains and
up and inflation remains muted, according to Patil
remain strong and advises using any decline in share prices as a buying opportunity
rising rural incomes
Overweight engineering construction, cement on government infrastructure projects ahead of general elections
new nationwide sales tax