Why Travel Insurance Is Essential In Today's World

Avoid taking risks and travel without hassles by buying a travel insurance cover.
Travel today has become an inevitable part of our lives - both personal and professional
Since time immemorial, humans have had this urge to explore and travel
Today, as travelling and exploring distant destinations is fast becoming a fashion, there has been a tremendous increase in the collaterals
associated with it
With an increase in overall necessities, travelling has developed one more indemnity, i.e
travel insurance
While travelling, travel insurance policies play a crucial role
Uncertainties occur at any time and you must be prepared for them.Think of what happened with Vaneeta Sethi
In 2016, she went to visit her son who is based in the UK
It wasn't her first foreign travel and thus, she was sure that nothing could go wrong as far as her travel to the UK was concerned
But an unfortunate thing happened: she lost her baggage! She was travelling via a foreign airline - it wasn't even an Indian carrier
All alone, she did not know what to do."I was nervous
I asked the airport officials to help me out
They tried to look for my luggage but could not locate it
Here I was ready to meet my son after a year and yet, all that I had brought for especially for him was lost
I first blamed the airline, which promised me the best of help
But I realised later that not taking a travel insurance was actually my fault," Ms Sethi said.Thus, it is imperative that you protect
yourself from such worries
This is why a travel insurance policy is essential.Things you must take care of before buying travel insuranceWhat is the maximum payable
Bills and expenses have a habit of piling up when emergency strikes, so always make sure that the maximum payable amount offered by your
policy is enough to cover any emergencies.Do I need separate medical insurance Though most policies provide medical coverage to the insured
person, not all of them do
Before you pay the premium for your travel insurance, confirm whether it covers medical emergencies as well as travel related
emergencies.Will the policy cover any complications arising out of a pre-existing condition Most policies do provide coverage for
pre-existing conditions, but this varies from policy to policy
Make sure you know about the conditions which apply to this clause of the policy, and see whether you fulfil them or not.Are all activities
covered Don't just assume that your basic travel insurance policy will cover everything
If you are going to indulge in adventure sports, they may be classified as high-risk and maybe outside the scope of your insurance cover
Confirm what is not covered as a high-risk activity, and make sure that you get a plan that covers what you wish to do.A few questions asked
may seem like a tough task, but these questions could end up helping you save a lot on your travel insurance plan.Fronting a claim rejection
is the last thing that you would want to come across when you are back from your holiday
Being oblivious about the terms and conditions of your travel insurance policy can make your touch down a bit distressing
Thus, to save yourself from the stress of travel insurance claim rejection, it is important to understand what the major reasons behind it
are.When you file a claim for something you are not covered for, then it becomes obvious that it will be turned down
Not reading the policy document carefully or not opting for the cover that you need, are usually the two reasons behind this
among people that if you hide your medical history, you are at profit as you pay lower premiums
Actually, you do pay lower premiums but do not get covered for a number of ailments, which in fact is a bigger loss.Insurance is an
agreement that needs to be transparent, as the entire contract is based upon the veracity of the facts declared in it
When you hide things you are at a loss in the long-run.If you end up having an accident or mishap on your trip while you are high on alcohol
or drugs, then your cover becomes null and void
This means that you may be covered for the same event while you are sober, but not when you are high.Adventure sports are generally excluded
from travel insurance policies
However, if you are planning an adventure trip, it is always wise to ask your insurance provider the coverage that you are entitled to.When
you make a claim, your insurer needs proof of everything that you've claimed for
So you must keep all proofs in place to make a claim
If you miss out on some bills, you don't get reimbursed for them.If you are visiting a place where travel warnings have been issued and
something unfortunate happens, then it is most probable that you won't be covered for it
Standard travel insurance policies won't cover you
Always check for travel warnings to make certain that the place you are travelling to is safe to visit or not.When you travel, make it a
point to travel worry-free
Gear up for the experience, and stay prepared for contingencies with a travel insurance policy that keeps you well-covered all around.To
understand exactly about the policy coverage, exclusions etc., read the policy document carefully.So now every time you travel, do buy
travel insurance
This will make your travel easier, smoother, and worry-free
You might not require the use of that cover but you will certainly not regret buying it
Travel insurance is never a waste of money
It is only an extra layer of security that you add when you step out from the safety and comfort of your home
Thus, avoid taking risks and travel without hassles by buying a travel insurance cover.