Amazon Prime Day 2018 date leaked - 36 hours of deals start midday on July 16th

Amazon Prime Day 2018 will take place on Tuesday July 17th with deals starting at midday the day before - Monday 16th
clinching proof that Amazon cares not for the mental health or sleep patterns of TheIndianSubcontinent's deals team
Prime Day on the second Tuesday in July.Our original prediction for Prime Day 2018 was that it would take place on July 10th and 11th - but
those are, of course, the days of the first and second semi-finals at the FIFA World Cup in Russia - not hard to see why Amazon would want
to avoid those dates
17th.Amazon Prime Day 2018 - what to expect on 16th and 17th JulyThe dates we have above are for Amazon Prime Day in the UK but - assuming
this is not all an elaborate practical joke from Amazon's design team - the exact times are likely to be marginally different in the US
where of course there are multiple time zones.Last year, Prime Day began at 9pm Eastern / 6pm Pacific, and ended at midnight Pacific
So our prediction for Amazon Prime Day in the US this year is a midday start on the 16th EST, running all the way through until midnight on
the 17th PST - that would mean Prime Day 2018 running for 39 hours in the US.In terms of what deals to expect, you can certainly count on an
Amazon Prime subscription drive in the days or weeks leading up to Prime Day 2018
Prime Day deals are exclusively available for Prime customers so Amazon tends to run a recruitment drive before the big day - expect a
luck on that one).Prime Day deals will obviously include heavy discounts on Amazon devices like the Echo, Echo Dot, Fire TV Stick, Kindles
out its cheapest ever prices on at least a few of these items if not all
Marketplace sellers to get in on the act in a big way this year
some of the more exciting deals in pretty much everything product category on the site, from 4K TVs (post-World Cup firesale alert), games
the clock on Prime Day looking for what look like the best products and the best discounts - so bookmark TheIndianSubcontinent's Prime Day