This $4 trillion corner of the market isn’t afraid of recession

By Vildana HajricRecession
Just the mention of it sends shivers down the spine of even the most stalwart on Wall Street
But not among sellers of exchange-traded funds. A growing number of asset managers see a prolonged downturn spurring the next big cash
injection for the $4.5 trillion US industry which, after years of meteoric growth, is showing signs of slowing down
While assets rose 32% in 2019, fund debuts shrank to the lowest in five years and liquidations jumped. Naysayers have been forecasting a
recession for years as the U.S
extends its longest period of continuous growth in more than a century
management, said at a conference in December
have done very well since the crash as investors increasingly adopt passive products, but the connection between the two is a little
Active managers, who pick and choose investments, will come under heightened pressure to beat their benchmarks during times of stress and
many investors in actively-managed strategies flocked to low-cost passive funds following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008,
despite the stock market taking another six months to bottom out
After 12 months, inflows totaled more than $66 billion. By contrast, equity mutual funds saw outflows of $109 billion in the quarter after
Lehman failed, according to the Investment Company Institute
Investors added just $15 billion back to these funds over the subsequent nine months, leaving flows in 2009 far below the $73 billion that
was contributed in 2007, the data show. Some of the shift comes down to cost
Investors in active funds pay about 4.5 times more than those in passive products, the widest disparity since 2000, according to a 2018
Morningstar Inc
The cheapest ETF costs as little as 20 cents for every $1,000 invested, a major draw for anyone disillusioned with stock-picking, data
compiled by Bloomberg show. Tax is also a factor, with investors disincentivized from selling their mutual funds in good times for fear of
incurring capital gains
But a downswing could reduce those gains and create a strong motive to bail
Investors could then choose to buy a low-cost ETF over a higher-cost, underperforming mutual fund when the market recovers. Whatever the
reasoning, ETFs have become more versatile compared with other fund formats and are easier to trade, said Ben Johnson, an analyst at