Updated: Jan 18, 2020 23:24 IST
Hubli (Karnataka) [India], Jan 18 (ANI): Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday said that those who are opposing the
Citizenship (Amendment) Act are "anti-Dalits"."I want to ask those opposing Citizenship Amendment Act, what will you gain by going against
Dalits who have come from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan? Those who are opposing CAA are anti-dalits," Shah said here while addressing
a rally in support of the Act.Attacking the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi, Shah said that both Rahul and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran
Khan said that Article 370 shouldn't be abrogated."Both said that CAA should not be implemented
I can't understand the relation between Imran Khan and the leaders of Congress," he said.At the event, Shah also stated that the Opposition
parties are opposing the CAA due to "vote bank politics".CAA grants citizenship to the non-Muslim refugee from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and
Bangladesh, who came to India on or before December 31, 2014