Facebook speeds up AI training by culling the weak

Training an artificial intelligence agent to do something like navigate a complex 3D world is computationally expensive and time-consuming
In order to better create these potentially useful systems, Facebook engineers derived huge efficiency benefits from, essentially, leaving
the slowest of the pack behind. It part of the company new focus on &embodied AI,& meaning machine learning systems that interact
intelligently with their surroundings
That could mean lots of things — responding to a voice command using conversational context, for instance, but also more subtle things
like a robot knowing it has entered the wrong room of a house
Exactly why Facebook is so interested in that I&ll leave to your own speculation, but the fact is they&ve recruited and funded serious
researchers to look into this and related domains of AI work. To create such &embodied& systems, you need to train them using a reasonable
facsimile of the real world
One can&t expect an AI that never seen an actual hallway to know what walls and doors are
And given how slow real robots actually move in real life you can&t expect them to learn their lessons here
That what led Facebook to create Habitat, a set of simulated real-world environments meant to be photorealistic enough that what an AI
learns by navigating them could also be applied to the real world. Facebook is creating photorealistic homes for AIs to work and learn
in Such simulators, which are common in robotics and AI training, are also useful because, being simulators, you can run many instances of
them at the same time — for simple ones, thousands simultaneously, each one with an agent in it attempting to solve a problem and
eventually reporting back its findings to the central system that dispatched it. Unfortunately, photorealistic 3D environments use a lot of
computation compared to simpler virtual ones, meaning that researchers are limited to a handful of simultaneous instances, slowing learning
to a comparative crawl. The Facebook researchers, led by Dhruv Batra and Erik Wijmans, the former a professor and the latter a PhD student
at Georgia Tech, found a way to speed up this process by an order of magnitude or more
And the result is an AI system that can navigate a 3D environment from a starting point to goal with a 99.9% success rate and few
mistakes. https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/blog_video2.mp4 Simple navigation is foundational to a working &embodied AI& or
robot, which is why the team chose to pursue it without adding any extra difficulties. &It the first task
Forget the question answering, forget the context — can you just get from point A to point B? When the agent has a map this is easy, but
with no map it an open problem,& said Batra
&Failing at navigation means whatever stack is built on top of it is going to come tumbling down.& The problem, they found, was that the
training systems were spending too much time waiting on slowpokes
Perhaps it unfair to call them that — these are AI agents that for whatever reason are simply unable to complete their task quickly. &It
not necessarily that they&re learning slowly,& explained Wijmans
&But if you&re simulating navigating a one-bedroom apartment, it much easier to do that than navigate a 10-bedroom mansion.& The central
system is designed to wait for all its dispatched agents to complete their virtual tasks and report back
If a single agent takes 10 times longer than the rest, that means there a huge amount of wasted time while the system sits around waiting so
it can update its information and send out a new batch. This little explanatory gif shows how when one agent gets stuck, it delays others
learning from its experience. The innovation of the Facebook team is to intelligently cut off these unfortunate laggards before they finish
After a certain amount of time in simulation, they&re done, and whatever data they&ve collected gets added to the hoard. &You have all these
workers running, and they&re all doing their thing, and they all talk to each other,& said Wijmans
&One will tell the others, ‘okay, I&m almost done,& and they&ll all report in on their progress
Any ones that see they&re lagging behind the rest will reduce the amount of work that they do before the big synchronization that
happens.& In this case you can see that each worker stops at the same time and shares simultaneously. If a machine learning agent could
feel bad, I&m sure it would at this point, and indeed that agent does get &punished& by the system, in that it doesn&t get as much virtual
&reinforcement& as the others
The anthropomorphic terms make this out to be more human than it is — essentially inefficient algorithms or ones placed in difficult
circumstances get downgraded in importance
But their contributions are still valuable. &We leverage all the experience that the workers accumulate, no matter how much, whether it a
success or failure — we still learn from it,& Wijmans explained. What this means is that there are no wasted cycles where some workers are
waiting for others to finish
Bringing more experience on the task at hand in on time means the next batch of slightly better workers goes out that much earlier, a
self-reinforcing cycle that produces serious gains. In the experiments they ran, the researchers found that the system, catchily named
Decentralized Distributed Proximal Policy Optimization or DD-PPO, appeared to scale almost ideally, with performance increasing nearly
linearly to more computing power dedicated to the task
That is to say, increasing the computing power 10x resulted in nearly 10x the results
On the other hand, standard algorithms led to very limited scaling, where 10x or 100x the computing power only results in a small boost to
results because of how these sophisticated simulators hamstring themselves. WTF is computer vision? These efficient methods let the
Facebook researchers produce agents that could solve a point to point navigation task in a virtual environment within their allotted time
with 99.9% reliability
They even demonstrated robustness to mistakes, finding a way to quickly recognize they&d taken a wrong turn and go back the other way. The
researchers speculated that the agents had learned to &exploit the structural regularities,& a phrase that in some circumstances means the
AI figured out how to cheat
But Wijmans clarified that it more likely that the environments they used have some real-world layout rules. &These are real houses that we
digitized, so they&re learning things about how western-style houses tend to be laid out,& he said
Just as you wouldn&t expect the kitchen to enter directly into a bedroom, the AI has learned to recognize other patterns and make other
&assumptions.& The next goal is to find a way to let these agents accomplish their task with fewer resources
Each agent had a virtual camera it navigated with that provided it ordinary and depth imagery, but also an infallible coordinate system to
tell where it traveled and a compass that always pointed toward the goal
If only it were always so easy! But until this experiment, even with those resources the success rate was considerably lower even with far
more training time. Habitat itself is also getting a fresh coat of paint with some interactivity and customizability. Habitat as seen
through a variety of virtualized vision systems. &Before these improvements, Habitat was a static universe,& explained Wijmans
&The agent can move and bump into walls, but it can&t open a drawer or knock over a table
We built it this way because we wanted fast, large-scale simulation — but if you want to solve tasks like ‘go pick up my laptop from my
desk,& you&d better be able to actually pick up that laptop.& Therefore, now Habitat lets users add objects to rooms, apply forces to those
objects, check for collisions and so on
After all, there more to real life than disembodied gliding around a frictionless 3D construct. The improvements should make Habitat a more
robust platform for experimentation, and will also make it possible for agents trained in it to directly transfer their learning to the real
world — something the team has already begun work on and will publish a paper on soon.