Desalination of seawater proposed to tackle Pakistan’s looming water crisis

offers enormous opportunities for Pakistan to meet its growing agricultural and civil water requirements in the country, a top government
of Planning and Development under the chairmanship of Planning Secretary Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqi has proposed numbers of actions to use the
seawater as an alternative source to deal with water scarcity
The meeting was attended by experts and top officials from UNESCO, National Institute of Biotechnology Genetic Engineering (NIBGE),
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Pakistan Council of Scientific
Industrial Research (PCSIR), Governments of Punjab and Sindh, Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad, CDA, WASA Rawalpindi, Defence Housing
Authority, Karachi, Gwadar Development Authority.It proposed recycling and treatment of drinking, industrial and sewerage water in cities
Accordingly, representatives of two US firms, three Chinese consulting organisations and one Middle Eastern and European firms participated
Jia Li from Yellow River Engineering of China also made a presentation
Renowned desalination expert Prof Mark Tester from King Abdullah University, KSA and Dr Shahbaz Khan, UNESCO Cluster Office Director,
Jakarta made presentations online.The high-level meeting discussed five major subjects including Seawater desalination: IWRM paradigm,
sewerage water treatment, drinking water treatment, recycling of municipal wastewater and treatment of industrial wastewater.The meeting
also made a number of unanimous solutions which included the adoption of an internationally recognised framework of Integrated Water
Resources Management (IWRM) which is in line with the objectives set for UN Decade for Action-Water for Sustainable Development (2018-28).It
was emphasised that solar desalination was highly suitable for Keti Bandar, Thatta and Badin in Sindh and Ormara, Pasni and Jivani in
Balochistan.The meeting identified that higher costs were the major hindrance in the adoption of desalination technologies
In a bid to reduce the cost of installation as well as that of OM, local manufacturing would be promoted with the exception of only two
items i.e
membranes and instruments.As per the recommendations of the committee, saline aquifers make a reasonable part of groundwater resources
It was emphasised that feasible and effective technologies like magnetic treatment and partial desalination may be promoted.In the coastal
belt, pre-filtration through slow and filters needs to be adopted for increasing life of treatment plants without compromising on the
quality of output
In addition, dug wells may also be used near coastline where subsurface hydrogeology allows.Keeping in view the deteriorating water quality
in Islamabad, it was urged that CADD, CDA and MCI may adopt and promote bio-remediation measures and all water streams may be linked with
the network(s) of this environment friendly technology.Public sector investments need to be significantly increased by federal and
provincial governments for sewage treatment and protection of freshwater bodies.It was accentuated that Pakistan National Standards for
Drinking Water Quality (2008) need to be strictly enforced in letter and spirit
Regarding industrial effluents, provisions made under NEQS (2010) should be followed.Enforcement of Canal and Drainage Act of 1873 may be
ensured to prevent discharge of effluents and protect freshwater bodies.New human settlements i.e
Bahria Town, DHAs should be made responsible for the appropriate treatment of wastewater before disposal
Arrangements may also be made for wastewater treatment in the case of high risers.It was also discussed earlier in an international
conference on Seawater Desalination that water scarcity was affected and likely to further reduce and more vulnerable on supply side due to
Indian, Afghan and Chinese water use upstream
Water scarcity would increase due to the enhanced demand owing to urbanisation, industrial development, population increase, the changes in
life patterns and food consumption patterns, and increased GDP as well as irrigation requirements due to global warming.Existing water
supply in the country covers about 85-90% of the population, however, neither the quantity is adequate nor the quality is safe
in Quetta and Lahore urban centres, whereas out of 43 canal commands, 37 canal commands have also shown a drastic decrease in groundwater
level which is an alarming position.Waterborne diseases include conventional diseases like malaria and typhoid, but now also hepatitis
Districts of Gujranwala and Bahawalnagar have badly been impacted due to hepatitis.Seawater treatment technology is a proven technology and
is being implemented successfully in 27 countries
Sewerage treatment is essential for protecting freshwater bodies and protecting groundwater aquifer from pathogens and other heavy metals
Industrial effluents treatment is the responsibility of industries however, it has been observed that they are not following their
responsibilities and in areas of Punjab such as Kala Shah Kaku, they are releasing hazardous wastewater into dug wells.Rivers of Ravi,
Sutlej, Malir and Liari are now filled with sewerage whereas Islamabad freshwater streams are now causing health hazards and also have a
stagnant odor that needs immediate attention.Greater Karachi area has damaged the aqua life and water quality in coastal areas and this is
also happening in Gwadar.It suggested that electronic media may play their role to create awareness by dedicating prime time to water
related challenges as their Corporate Social Responsibility.