Your wallet might already be hurting from the 2018 Steam Summer Sale going on today, but remember, sales on regular PC games are a dime a
VR ($30 $23)Space Pirate Trainer ($15 $8)Arizona Sunshine ($40 $25)End Space ($20 $10)Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes ($15 $6)Eve: Valkyrie
($25 $15)Surgeon Simulator ($20 $8)Batman: Arkham VR ($20 $10)Oculus is also selling four summer-themed game packs, each with five games for
$75 apiece - or just $15 per title
The bundles come with VR fan favorites like Star Trek: Bridge Crew, The Climb, Lone Echo, Beat Saber, Sprint Vector, Superhot VR, and Rick
and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality.So how long do you have These deals will extend until July 1st at 11:59 p.m., so you have a week to figure out