A Tesla telenovela

Tesla lawsuit against a former employee was filed just 24 hours ago and it already ripe fodder for Hollywood
As CEO Elon Musk has noted in the past, Tesla is a real drama magnet
Get ready, it exhausting. Tesla filed the lawsuit against former employee Martin Tripp for $1 million, alleging the man, who worked as a
process technician at the massive battery factory near Reno, hacked the company confidential and trade secret information and transferred
that information to third parties, according to court documents
The lawsuit also claims the employee leaked false information to the media. Within hours, The Washington Posthad an interview with Tripp,
who saidhe did not tamper with internal systems and is insteada whistleblower who was compelled to act
Tripp admitted to speaking to the media, but only because he saw &some really scary things& inside the company
Post reporter Drew Harwell later tweeted that Tripp told him Musk emailed him shortly after the lawsuit today to say he was a &horrible
person.& Tripp says @elonmusk emailed him shortly after the lawsuit was filed today to say he was a horrible person
Tripp said he responded that Musk deserved what was coming
https://t.co/cilMMnogyq — Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) June 21, 2018 An email exchange obtained by TechCrunch, and confirmed by Tesla,
suggests otherwise, and shows Tripp lobbing the first written attack
To be clear, the emails viewed by TechCrunchcould have been edited or show an incomplete exchange
We&ll update the story as we learn more. Here the email exchange, which kicks off rather suddenly: From:Marty Tripp Date:June 20, 2018 at
8:57:29 AM PDT To:Elon Musk /> Subject:Termination/Lawsuit Don&t worry, you have what coming to you for the lies you have told to the public
and investors. On Jun 20, 2018, at 9:42 AM, Elon Musk wrote: Threatening me only makes it worse for you On Jun 20, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Marty
Tripp wrote: I never made a threat
I simply told you that you have what coming. Thank you for this gift!!!! On Jun 20, 2018, at 10:00 AM, Elon Musk wrote: You should ashamed
of yourself for framing other people
You&re a horrible human being. On Jun 20, 2018, at 10:03 AM, Marty Tripp wrote: I NEVER ‘framed& anyone else or even insinuated anyone
else as being involved in my production of documents of your MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF WASTE, Safety concerns, lying to investors/the
WORLD. Putting cars on the road with safety issues is being a horrible human being! On Jun 20, 2018, at 5:16 PM, Elon Musk wrote: Begin
forwarded message: From:Elon Musk Date:June 20, 2018 at 10:28:06 AM PDT To:Marty Tripp Subject:Re: Termination/Lawsuit There are literally
injuries with Model 3
It is by far the safest car in the world for any midsize vehicle
And of course a company with billions of dollars in product is going to have millions of dollars in scrap
This is not news. However, betraying your word of honor, breaking the deal you had when Tesla gave you a job and framing your colleagues are
wrong and some come with legal penalties
So it goes
Be well. From: Elon MuskDate: 6/20/18 5:17 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Todd Maron, Sarah O&Brien Cc: EMDesk Subject: Re: Termination/Lawsuit Meant to
say &no injuries& After Musk and Tripp battled it out via email, the former employee allegedly told a friend he was going to attack the
company Gigafactory in Sparks, Nevada.The friend then called Tesla customer service line, according to a source
Tesla notified the police
It not clear why this friend turned first to Tesla and not the police
But there you go. And since TechCrunch has been unable to reach Tripp, it worth noting that this is one side — Tesla side — of a
developing and complex story. Tesla confirmed receiving a call. &Yesterday afternoon, we received a phone call from a friend of Mr
Tripp telling us that Mr
Tripp would be coming tothe Gigafactory to ‘shoot the place up,& & a Tesla spokesman said
&Police have been notified and actions are being taken to enhancesecurity at the Gigafactory.& TechCrunch reached out to Storey County
Sheriff department, which confirmed they sent deputies to investigate the threat
The deputies found no credible threat. &After several hours of investigation deputies were able to determine there was no credible threat,&
Sheriff Gerald Antinoro said in a statement provided to TechCrunch
&Further investigation in the origins of the threat continues.&