More tickets available to the TechCrunch Summer Party at August Capital

We hope you&ve saved the date for theTechCrunch Summer Party at August Capital on July 27, because we&re releasing our second batch of
tickets today
Jump on this opportunity, folks, because our first group of tickets sold out in a flash — and these babies, available on a first-come,
first-served basis, won&t last long, either
Buy your ticket today. If you haven&t attended our classic summer fete — this is our thirteenthyear — you&re in for a treat
Enjoy the beautiful grounds and patio deck at August Capital in Menlo Park, lovely libations and a delicious snack or two
And do it all in the company of your peers, celebrating entrepreneurship and possibility. Networking is always a part of every TechCrunch
event, and you never know when you&ll meet the perfect future investor, founder or collaborator
True fact: Box founders Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith met one of their first investors, DFJ, at a backyard party hosted by TechCrunch founder,
Michael Arrington. Here are the when, where and how much details for the TechCrunch Summer Party at August Capital: July 27, 5:30 p.m
& 9:00 p.m. August Capital in Menlo Park Ticket price: $95 Of course, there more than one way to enjoy this party
If you have an early-stage startup, buy a Summer Party demo table
It a great opportunity to showcase your business in front of all the right people in a relaxed, convivial atmosphere
Each demo table includes four Summer Party tickets
Learn more about demo tables here. Comeand share a friendly evening of cocktails and relaxed networking in a beautiful setting
Who knows, you might win niftydoor prizes, including TechCrunch swag, Amazon Echos and tickets toDisrupt San Francisco 2018. The second
round of TechCrunch Summer Party at August Capital tickets is available now, and you canbuy yours today
We hope to see you there!