INSUBCONTINENT EXCLUSIVE: provides a faster and safer connection to the internet.But how good is it really And how does it compare to a VPN We dig through the
details to find out which one is better for your privacy, and why.What is DNSThe Domain Name System (DNS) is often likened to a phonebook
Computers recognize each other by their IP addresses, not by the site names associated with them, so whenever you type in a website like, the DNS service locates the IP address linked to Google and connects you to it.The DNS service that connects you to the internet
is provided by your ISP, which logs all the websites you visit
to opposing social and political views.Add in snoopers, hackers, and Man-in-the-Middle attacks, and your DNS could expose you to a host of
When configured properly on your device, all your connection requests will route through it
faster, according to the official website), while also pledging to delete all DNS logs after 24 hours
entrusting your IP address queries with Cloudflare and APNIC, the regional internet registry the company partnered with to get the
step in creating privacy-oriented DNS protocols like
address, the outfit does log anonymized DNS query data
Some of that information is logged permanently, including the number of queries, unique users, and an aggregated list of all domain names
for non-profit operational research, including being able to better understand DNS and to reduce DDoS attacks.One thing to keep in mind when
sites that are HTTP rather than HTTPS and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) route your DNS traffic through their servers, bypassing your ISP and preventing anyone from
A VPN is a network that encrypts all the traffic that flows through it, including both HTTP and HTTPS
The VPN server you connect to acts as an intermediary server in a location of your choosing, which not only encrypts your traffic through
its server, but also masks your real location so you can browse the internet as if you were in a different country
With a good VPN that offers fast speeds, however, the difference narrows.Which one is better at protecting your privacy1.1.1.1 may give you
faster connection speeds and protect you from most snoops, but if you want to hide all your traffic, and are willing to pay for it, then go
such as being able to mask your real location with another location
protected.We've highlighted the best VPN services of 2018cxj6PUQuLF9H6Tac2iEhnL.jpg#