We have seen people using flimsy measuring tapes to measure but as the world is going digital, Bagel Labs is aiming to cash in on it.The
TheIndianSubcontinent Middle East, that day of noting the measurements reading and scribbling in logbooks have gone.Park studied mechanical
engineering at Johns Hopkins University and received a PhD from the University of Cambridge and worked for four years at Samsung Corning
ourselves and in the construction industry
cloud services.He said that PIE is popular in two different industries and its initial focus has been on digital health industry and also
supplying the devices to public healthcare industries.Moreover, he said that PIE has made it easier to keep track of waist size and body fat
percentage.The Nature journal studied and published in 2018 a relationship between the waist size and body fat percentage.Based on the waist
size, the app tells you about the body fat percentage.(Image credit: Bagel Labs )Targeting fitness aficionadosFor fitness aficionados, Park
said that it is easy to continue to track the progress and help consumers keep motivated in a bid to beat their fitness goals.The weighing
PIE seamlessly stores, tracks, and analyses data points on seven different critical body parts - waist, shoulders, chest or bust, hips,
thighs, biceps, and calves
he said.He said the optical sensor technology on the device is patent protected and runs on iOS and Android.The iOS users can integrate size
measurements into the Apple Health app, and future integration capabilities are in the works for Google Fit, Samsung Health and
MyFitnessPal.Park said that the PIE tape measurements can be connected to multiple smartphones and up to 100 members can be added to a
single account.There are other body tape devices in the market to measure such as MyoTape, Care Touch, Lightstuff, Wintape and Reidea but
Park said that it is difficult to take measurements of your stomach or thighs with one hand but PIE has a mechanical design, a hook and a
chip, to make a loop every easy.There are some competitors, manufactured in China, and they also have digital screens but, he said that they
button, to describe what you have measured and can measure in three modes - string mode, up to about 10 feet (3 metres), wheel mode, measure
up to about 33 feet (10 metres) and laser mode, measure up to 16 feet 4 inches (5 metres).PIE is built with a rechargeable lithium-polymer
South East Asian countries and looking for franchisees and distribution channels in the Middle East, including the UAE
parties who would like to utilise the data and use towards their applications and it will become a prized data in the future, the