7 books that HBO, Netflix or Amazon should adapt for television

to a wider audience than ever before.Sure, adaptations can be a tricky business, what with rights, optioning, and the not-do-fondly named
The four-part book series, by Philip Reeves, offers a thrilling, bleak, and immense post-apocalyptic dystopia, in which giant lumbering
a good dose of enthusiasm (and scepticism) for the wonders of engineering, especially in times of war
published in 1969
bombing of Dresdent that Vonnegut himself witnessed in his time in the military.With a narrative that jumps back and forth in time and place
screenwriting could have something highly relevant to say about modern-day warfare
Your move, HBO.3
Inkheart trilogy
books worth of ink to adapt, and plenty of heartbreaking moments to commit to screen
And please: forget the 2008 film ever happened.4
worth consideration.Shortlisted for the Man Booker 2019 Prize for Fiction, the novel is a deep-dive into the life of an Istanbul sex worker,
Tequila Leila, who looks back on her life in her final moments before her brain shuts down for good
usually relegates them to statistics in CSI case files.5
novels should certainly scratch that itch, and could fill in the gaps nicely between seasons of Altered Carbon on Netflix (even if Cyberpunk
V for Vendetta(Image credit: Silver Pictures)But what of comic books? Watchmen showed us the path towards adaptations of Alan Moore's work
his work, but HBO's show does lead you to wonder what high-end, fresh takes on his work could look like
V For Vendetta, co-created with artist David Lloyd, is an 80s comic of blatant anti-Thatcherism.What would an adaptation about the story V
look like in an age where people genuinely wear the character's mask as a sign of protest? We'd love to find out
V For Vendetta had a perfectly fine movie starring Natalie Portman in 2006, but it was a little bit too glossy, and felt strangely
un-British in its portrayal of the country
From Hell(Image credit: Amazon)On that same note, Moore and artist Eddie Campbell's From Hell graphic novel got a pretty terrible movie
adaptation back in the early 00s
The book is pretty dense, and would make much more sense as a TV show
In fact, in 2014, it was even announced for cable network FX, but clearly the project never went ahead.From Hell, though, is still one of
the best works of fiction based on the Jack the Ripper killings, with a conspiracy theory-level story that turns the murders into a
harbinger of the dark century to come
It would make an amazing TV show if adapted faithfully.q4jxK7qWLmiyP8rV3TyWWG.jpg?#