Samsung confirms coronavirus case at South Korean factory

A Samsung factory in South Korea was shut down after a confirmed case of coronavirus.The facility in Gumi, near the Southeastern city of
Daegu, was closed until early Monday morning and the floor on which the affected employee was working on will remain shut until early
coronavirus could have on the mobile industry.In China, there have so far been more than 77,000 confirmed cases of the virus, which is
spreading to other countries
Iran, Italy and South Korea itself all reporting a major increase in cases over the weekend.With China being a major manufacturing hub and
significant market there are concerns that the disruption could be significant
industry, exempt from many restrictions.Foxconn, which is a key assembler for many major device manufacturers, hopes to resume 80 per cent
The country has made next-generation networks an economic priority, however rollout is being hampered by logistical and manufacturing issues
ability to supply its customers with 5G equipment.Via Reuters