Selloff is stomping out India’s credit market revival

Stresses deepened after India suspended most visas and President Donald Trump halted travel from Europe while stopping short of offering a
detailed U.S
economic rescue package
most vulnerable firms are surging, fueling concern about their ability to roll over debt
The proportion of local rupee bond issuance with ratings lower than AA+ is again around the lowest since 2005. That all comes at a bad time
shadow bank crisis sparked by the shock stumble of IL-FS Group in late 2018. The crisis has cut a key funding source for many smaller
companies that had depended on shadow lenders for loans
Now, as debts come due at these lower-rated firms, the ones that can will try to roll over those obligations in the bond market instead, but
has widened to the most in more than a decade. BloombergTo make matters worse, credit metrics for domestic firms are deteriorating at a
faster pace this year than last
There have been about three downgrades for each upgrade year-to-date