Original Content podcast: ‘Devs’ is a strange and delightful technothriller

Given its name, you might expect &Devs& — which launched earlier this month on the newFX on Hulu — to be a &Silicon Valley&-style
sitcom about the tech industry
And there are indeed some delightful moments where &Ex Machina& writer-director Alex Garland pokes fun at San Francisco and tech
culture. But the prevailing mood is one of mystery and dread
The show takes place largely at a fictional quantum computing company called Amaya, run by its brooding CEO Forest (played by Nick
Offerman), which employs Lily (Sonoya Mizuno) and her boyfriend Sergei (Karl Glusman)
Amaya is also home to a division known as Devs — a group that mysterious enough that most employees don&t even know what the team is
working on. On the latest installment of the Original Content podcast, TechCrunch Events Director Emma Comeau joins us to discuss the three
episodes that have aired thus far. While it too early to evaluate how the show will answer its big questions, we&re all fans, thanks to its
eerie visuals, impressive performances (particularly from Offerman and Mizuno) and the tantalizing way that it lays out its mysteries —
during the spoiler discussion, we spent most of our time puzzling over clues about the ultimate goal of the Devs team. And although the show
is certainly tense, it actually something of a relief to spend a few hours worrying about sinister tech companies, rather everything else
happening in the world outside. You can listen in the player below, subscribe using Apple Podcastsor find us in your podcast player of
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(Or suggest shows and movies for us to review!) If you want to skip ahead, here how the episode breaks down: 0:00 Intro 3:26 &Devs& review
(mild spoilers) 26:20 &Devs& spoiler review/speculation