Elon Musk says Tesla will make ventilators if supplies run low

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said that his company has the ability to produce ventilators if US hospitals run into a shortage of breathing aids
as a result of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.When a Tesla owner reached out to Musk on Twitter asking him to repurpose the automaker's
factories to make ventilators, he responded saying he would if there is a shortage, saying:"Ventilators are not difficult, but cannot be
produced instantly
are limited supplies of ventilators while also urging the public to practice social distancing.While Musk has said that Tesla's factories
could be repurposed to make ventilators if there is a shortage, the factories are still running despite the shutdown to meet consumer demand
company is allowed to operate with a quarter of its usual workforce during the coronavirus outbreak
In an effort to help workers practice social distancing, Tesla's Fremont, California facility will temporarily reduce its workforce from
10,000 to 2,500 people.If the situation in the US deteriorates further, expect other businesses to be called upon to help out with the
government's efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus.Via ZDNet