The Best 4th of July Sales 2018: The deals are marching in

The 4th of July, the day America celebrates its independence, is nearly here
More than just fireworks and picnics, though, the 4th of July is also known for its sales
It's come to be a great time to get deals on seasonal goods as stores try to start clearing out their summer items
You can expect to see prices dropped dramatically on summer clothing and camping gear
Look for a bevy of clothing brands to have big discounts
These include:Otherwise, you can also expect some good (but not great) discounts on grills and patio furniture
And, when it comes to consumer tech, don't expect much in the way of savings aside from HP's sale wherein it takes up to 50% off
Most retailers will offer all sales items online and even have coupon codes for further discounts
beginYou can probably guess what date the 4th of July will fall on this year (unfortunately it's a Wednesday, so no three-day weekend), but
do you know when Fourth of July sales begin They have already begun at some stores like The Home Depot and Sears, but expect most to launch
in the coming week
We will continue to update this page as more information becomes available to so be sure to check back often for all the latest.4th of July
sales retailer quick linksTop 4th of July salesHome DepotHome Depot's Red White and Blue Sale has already begun, with a focus on large
The big box store is taking up to 40% off washers, dryers, refrigerators, stoves and more
Even better, if you buy multiple appliances, you will save even more: savings start at $50 off two appliances and go up to $500 off six
appliances.SearsSears is another store who has already launched its Fourth of July event
It is currently taking up to 60% off a whole host of items, including 50% off appliances, 50% to 60% off mattresses, 30% off grills and many
more discounts.Kohl'sIt may seem like Kohl's is always having a sale, but its Fourth of July Sale will its biggest of the summer
Expect discounts of up to 80% off, with summer clothing at clearance-level prices
To sweeten the pot even more, you can expect to score Kohl's Cash when purchasing many items.AmazonAmazon may not have a big Fourth of July
sale, but as a prelude to its annual Prime Day, it will be rolling out promotional deals to entice customers to purchase Prime membership
As such, look for discounts on items directly related to the perks included with a Prime membership.Macy'sAs the sponsor of New York City's
annual fireworks extravaganza, Macy's has long been associated with Independence Day
As such, it's fitting that the department store has a big sale each year
You can anticipate discounts up to 60% on everything from clothing to cookware.KmartIn addition to a bevy of seasonal items on discount,
look for Kmart to offer coupons for additional discounts
unveiled it Fourth of July sale yet this year, but you can expect it to discount summer items, like grills and smokers by as much as 25%
Last year, it also offered rebates on large appliances, so keep your eyes peeled for those as well.HPLast year, HP had one of the strongest
Fourth of July sales when it came to tech
If it follows suit this year, expect the store to take up to 50% off items including laptops, desktops, printers, monitors, and
more.WalmartLike other stores, Walmart will be discounting a plethora of seasonal items, specifically summer clothing and outdoor items like
grills and patio furniture
Its sale hasn't gone live yet, though, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for the specifics.