Start-up assessments drop as exits are postponed and the supply market reprices technology

Hello and welcome back to our regular morning look at private companies, public markets and the gray space in between.The public markets are
in turmoil as the economic impact of COVID-19 comes into focus; however, it is less clear what the impact of the changing value of public
companies today will have on the valuations of private firms.Startup valuations are impacted by a host of factors, one of which is the value
of their public comparables (comps); if public comps lose value, private startup comps tend to earn lower valuations
spoke with Phil Haslett, the chief revenue officer at EquityZen
Haslett is a founder at the company, which helps owners of stock in private startups sell their shares to interested buyers
We were curious if there was a noticeable impact on prices so far and how demand might be shifting on both sides of its marketplace.