Dear Sophie: Is unemployment considered a public benefit

Sophie Alcorn Contributor Share on Twitter Sophie Alcorn is the founder of Alcorn
Immigration Law in Silicon Valley and 2019 Global Law Experts Awards& &Law Firm of the Year in California for Entrepreneur Immigration
Services.& She connects people with the businesses and opportunities that expand their lives. More posts by this contributor Dear
Sophie: How do we craft a strong H-1B petition? If I&m not selected, what are my options? Attorney Sophie Alcorn answers readers&
immigration questions Here another edition of &Dear Sophie,& the advice column that answers immigration-related questions about
working at technology companies. &Your questions are vital to the spread of knowledge that allows people all over the world to rise above
borders and pursue their dreams,& says Sophie Alcorn, a Silicon Valley immigration attorney
&Whether you&re in people ops, a founder or seeking a job in Silicon Valley, I would love to answer your questions in my next column.& &Dear
Sophie& columns are accessible for Extra Crunch subscribers; use promo code ALCORN to purchase a one or two-year subscription for 50%
off. Dear Sophie: I have an H-4 visa and work authorization
I currently have a job that considered nonessential during the coronavirus emergency
If I get laid off, I would need unemployment assistance while I look for another job. Would getting unemployment benefits hurt my or my
spouse green card petition under the new public charge rule? — Nonessential in NorCal Dear Nonessential: Thanks for your timely question
The short answer is no, getting unemployment benefits alone right now won&t jeopardize your or your spouse green card
This is because receiving unemployment benefits, getting tested for coronavirus and seeking emergency medical treatment (even if it covered
by Medicaid) are all exempt from consideration as government benefits under the new public charge rule. Immigration officials have long had
the authority to deny individuals a visa or green card if they are likely to be dependent on public benefits
The new public charge rule, which went into effect on February 24, expands the factors immigration officials will consider
An additional form seeking health and financial information must now be submitted with most visa and green card applications
Immigration officials will use that information to determine whether applicants are or are likely to become dependent on government
benefits. If you have received a public benefit in the past, your application won&t necessarily be denied, but given what at stake, it
important to consult an experienced immigration attorney. Individuals who will be subjected to the increased scrutiny of the expanded public
charge rule are: