TechCrunch Live: Join USV Managing Director Albert Wenger for a live chat Thursday at 9am PDT

Startups big and small, across all industries, are affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic
From Etsy to MongoDB, from Twilio to Foursquare, these companies are looking for ways to capitalize and ultimately thrive in what has become
a survivalist landscape. These companies also happen to be portfolio companies of one Albert Wenger. We&re excited to have Union Square
Ventures& Managing Director Albert Wenger join us for a live discussion on the impacts of COVID-19 on the firm, the advice he offering to
his portfolio companies and adaptation strategies for the broader startup ecosystem. Wenger has been vocal about how startups should
approach PPP loans, and has an interesting perspective on this week news of Foursquare merger with Factual
We&re amped to hear more from him on both topics, and plenty more. Before he began his investment career, Wenger was an entrepreneur
himself, co-founding five (FIVE!) companies, including a management consulting firm, a hosted data analytics company, a technology
subsidiary for Telebanc and DailyLit (a service for reading books by email or RSS)
Wenger also served as president of prior to and through its sale to Yahoo. We have a handful of questions we&d like to ask, but
Wenger has graciously offered to answer questions from the audience, as well
So come prepared! The chat will begin tomorrow (Thursday, April 9) at 12pm EDT/9am PDT and go for about an hour. We look forward to seeing
you there! Sign up here to add the call details to your calendar