I had COVID-19, but my tech guilt is worse

Ziad Reslan Contributor Share on Twitter All views are his own. More posts by
this contributor Freelancers rights come of age as gig economy booms Egypt and Thailand: When the military turns against free
speech I&ve been infected with the novel coronavirus for at least three weeks. It started with my partner coughing and feeling very
A couple of days later, I started showing the same symptoms. As a medical professional, he was required to get tested and I followed suit
within days
We both tested positive and have been recovering at home since. The symptoms have been up and down over the past two weeks
After the first few days, the mild cough gave way to an unrelenting one and the feeling of being tired gave way to being completely drained
at all hours
My partner completely lost his sense of smell. A week into having COVID-19, we thought we&d turned a corner, only for more symptoms to
The virus had made its way to my GI tract, adding nausea and an inability to keep my head up without throwing up
Today, two weeks after the first bouts of coughing, we both feel significantly better, but continue to self-isolate as instructed. Luckily
for both of us, we have now been symptom-free for 72 hours, and the symptoms we did have were relatively mild throughout
The experience of getting tested — mandated for my partner to be able to go back to working at the hospital — could not have been easier
I showed up at the hospital and was greeted by a doctor and two nurses
They took a sample and advised me on how best to self-isolate for the next few weeks
The whole thing took less than 15 minutes, and it was only 24 hours later that I got the call confirming that I had tested positive. My
employer has been supportive throughout
They&ve connected me to support services, offered a number of leave options if I were to take time off to deal with the virus, constantly
checked in on my prognosis and even sent a work-from-home toolkit complete with a giant monitor, keyboard and mouse
Throughout the self-isolation period, I have been able to work from home — a relatively seamless transition given that my job has long
enabled me to work from home when needed
If I needed further healthcare, I can count on the many telehealth options available through my insurance. What all this cemented is how
incredibly fortunate I am, unlike the millions of Americans now losing their jobs
While others have been unable to get tested, my entire testing experience was painless
I have the luxury of being able to work from home
I&m quarantined with my partner and my puppy, so I haven&t gotten lonely
Because I&m still getting my paycheck, I don&t have to worry about making the next rent payment
I&m able to have grocery and takeout deliveries left at my doorstep
If I were to take a turn for the worse, a major hospital is just down the street. This epidemic has laid bare the incredible differences in
privilege within our society, including within tech
Long celebrated as representing the future of work, today thousands of gig workers have lost their main source of income, with no paycheck
to count on and no option to work from home
Others, from delivery to warehouse workers, have no choice but to work, even at increased risk of contracting the disease themselves
Thousands in the Bay Area who live alone now risk being completely socially isolated as we continue to be on lockdown, while others with
kids and large families now worry about taking care of their children while also working full-time jobs. Not to mention that the homeless of
our cities have no way to self-isolate even if they wanted to
Crowded homeless shelters — to the extent they were available — are no longer an option. This is a moment where all of us in tech have
to come together to help even the scales
Thousands of tech workers are already donating their time and resources, but more can be done: Now is the time to max out our employee match
programs to make every dollar we give count more. Donations are needed by Frontline Foods, an effort that started in the Bay Area to provide
front-line workers with food and is now scaling globally
More generally food banks are seeing an exponential rise in the demand for their services, with Second Harvest being one to flag in the Bay
Area. If you know a co-worker with kids, offer to babysit over video for an hour or two
This can be as simple as playing a game on Houseparty together if they&re 12 or older, or helping them with a lesson their parents have
found particularly hard to get through. A lot of us are anxious about getting the virus, so you can only imagine how the elderly and those
with underlying health conditions feel
Give your grandparent a call, or donate your time and resources to organizations like Meals on Wheels to make sure they&re getting the
nutrition they need to get through this. Many local businesses may close because of the pandemic
Support them by ordering takeout and other delivery services
If you prefer to donate directly, many cities have created funds to provide relief to impacted small businesses, like the Silicon Valley
Strong Fund in San Jose. For the foreseeable future, my only visits to the outside world will be — with mask and gloves on — to walk my
dog around the corner
I&ll have plenty of time to reflect on how lucky I am, and the privilege guilt will follow
I&m guessing I&m not alone
Let channel our guilt into something good. The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily
reflect the official policy or position of his employer.