It'll take India 9 months to come out of virus crisis: Deepak Parekh

Deepak Parekh has dubbed the current crisis a human economic financial (HEF) crisis, completely different from the Global Financial Crisis
of 2008, and said it would take at least nine months to recover fully from it. In a webinar on Friday, the chairman of HDFC recommended that
regulated. The coronavirus pandemic has rattled lives and economies across the world, and India has not been spared either
brought out of poverty
In any crisis the they are the first affected and last to recover
Parekh also pushed for removal of complicated tax rules. He warned that banks would make drastic reductions in granting credit, if they see
a credit risk involved. He said that in the new order post crisis, the billion dollar startup valuations would be challenged and burning
Management has guarantee them security of life , food and stay if required
Bank and IL-FS
papers , which is a common practice by the central banks across the world. He said that even as equity markets were badly hit, they will
make a return. He expressed his concerns that there were only 2 per cent equity investors in India , compared to 40-60 per cent in some
If MF participation is doubled , it will make huge difference in markets