Firefox 61 has arrived on desktops, with faster tab switching, more flexible search options and extra tools for plug-in developers.Firefox
can now 'warm up' tabs by pre-emptively loading them when you hover over them
more, Firefox 61 also adds Retained Display Lists, which speed up page loading by remembering elements like backgrounds, text and borders,
so it doesn't have to be totally loaded from scratch each time you re-visit a page.It's easier to add custom search engines to the Firefox
address bar for one-click search, too
gives developers more freedom when creating extensions, too
It's now possible for Extensions to hide tabs, and manage how the browser behaves when tabs are opened and closed.To see this in action,
This extension is particularly handy if you're using a video streaming site to play music in the background, and don't want the tab
cluttering up your browser window.Before the debut of Firefox Quantum last year, developers could create extensions that changed pretty much
any aspect of the web browser and its operation
Unfortunately, although that gave the community a huge amount of freedom and led to some really creative ideas, it also had serious security
implications.To avoid problems, Mozilla switched to WebExtensions, which essentially provides developers with a set of building blocks for
The selection of 'blocks' was quite limited at first, but is gradually expanding with the addition of new features like tab hiding.