5 points I such as regarding the PS5 DualSense Controller ... and one I don't

DualSense.When I first saw pictures of the PS5 DualSense controller I was really unsure
Sony's games console, and thus I've grown accustomed to the DualShock's size, shape and design
It's comforting and familiar, like a warm embrace from a loved one, every time I pick it up.It's little surprise then, that I approach the
new PS5 DualSense controller with trepidation, as it brings the biggest shift in design for the key accessory since Sony stuck dual analogue
sticks on the original DualShock back in 1997.The acid test will be the first time I pick the DualSense controller up, to see how it feels,
PS5? Like: The minimalist color paletteThe iconic green, red, blue, pink of the triangle, circle, x and square buttons have a special place
portWhether or not the new PS5 controller will support wireless charging remains to be seen - this is purely a rumor for now - but the new
images released by Sony seem to show a USB-C port on the rear.It's not exactly a surprise inclusion
The DualShock 3 came with a miniUSB port, the DualShock 4 packed microUSB, so it makes perfect sense for the DualSense controller to come
round, which should make sticking in charging cables, or sliding the controller into a docking station easier.The side profile gives us a
glimpse of what appears to be a USB-C port (Image credit: Sony)? Like: Front-only illuminationHuzzah! Sony has ditched the large light bar
from the DualShock 4 for the new DualSense controller
Instead, we get just front-illumination to show you that your controller is on and, if you have several connected, a different color for
each player.The original DualShock 4 only had the rear light, and as it was angled downwards, it really wasn't easy to see the status of the
Sony updated it and brought a slimline light bar to the touch pad as well, but two light sources seemed excessive.So with the DualSense, I'm
original posting from Sony, but since it has transpired that the PS5 DualSense controller will retain the headphone jack from the DualShock
kill you for the 16th time in 30 minutes.I'm liking the retention of the physical port for those who need it, but I'm also hoping there will
be full PlayStation audio over Bluetooth available as well.Another nice addition to the DualSense controller is the microphone mute button,
controller has a microphone built in too, allowing you to chat with friends without that mad dash around your home to find a headset just as
your game is starting
Something I've had to deal with more than once.? Like: PS Button is the shape of the PS LogoSimple, but ever so pretty
I want to press it right now.? Dislike: The size of the new PS5 controllerLining up a DualShock 4 with the DualSense, it seems the new PS5
controller is bigger (Image credit: Sony)This is my real worry with the PS5 DualSense controller
From the initial pictures it looks bigger and bulkier than the previous DualShock generation.I overlaid a DualShock 4 outline over the top
of the DualSense (above) - assuming Sony keeps the D Pad and buttons the same size - and the new controller does appear wider and
taller.Looking at the side profile, it also seems chunkier, with the handles appearing thicker, and with less of an arch shape to them
impressions makes me think it could tip the scales at more than the 210g the DualShock 4 weighed, making it the heaviest PlayStation
controller to date.Sony has kept the dimensions of its DualShock series almost the same, and the DualSense PS5 Controller could see the
biggest size increase since the first DualShock tool over from the original, analogue-less PS controller.PlayStation controller sizes and
hopeful) to be proven wrong
Perhaps Sony has kept the general feel of its iconic PlayStation controller with the DualSense and it'll feel just as comforting as previous
generations.Yet, there's no getting away from the size of the change Sony has made with the PS5 controller, and for die-hard PlayStation
fans there could be a fair period of adjustment required.ommmgEZfApoznduG9XkrLk.jpg?#