All GitHub qualities are currently cost-free for each individual

After bringing unlimited private repositories to free users last year, GitHub has now announced that it is making private repositories with
unlimited collaborators available to all of its users
This means that all of the core GitHub features are now available for free for everyone.Up until now, if an organization wanted to use the
developer platform for private development, it had to subscribe to one of the company's paid plans
However, GitHub believes that every developer should have access to its platform and that price should not be a barrier to entry.Teams will
now be able to manage all of their work together in one place including CI/CD, project management, code review, packages and more.However,
teams that require more advanced features (like code owners), enterprise features (like SAML) or personalized support can upgrade to one of
GitHub's paid plans.Now that the core GitHub features are available to all users for free, the company has updated the pricing of its plans
to reflect the change.GitHub Pro now has a reduced monthly price of $4 and will include 2GB of Packages storage and 10GB of data
transfer.The monthly price per user for GitHub Team has also been reduced to $4 and there is no minimum seat requirement
GitHub Team will also include 3,000 Actions minutes per month for private repositories after May 14.GitHub Enterprise includes all of the
features available in Team as well as SAML single sign-on, 50,000 Actions minutes per month, 50GB of GitHub Packages storage and advanced
auditing for $21 per user per month.GitHub Free for organizations is available now and includes private repositories for unlimited users
Any organization that was previously using Team for Open Source will now have GitHub Free
Additionally GitHub Free for individual developers now includes unlimited collaborators and any organization or individual using the free
tier will receive GitHub Community Support.