Mum wakes from coronavirus coma to determine she has actually delivered

A mother with coronavirus has given birth while in a medically induced coma.Angela Primachenko, 27, from Vancouver, Washington, caught
COVID-19 in March and was placed on a ventilator when she was 33 weeks pregnant, according to her twin sister.The respiratory therapist's
condition deteriorated to the point where doctors put her into a coma at Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center and later helped deliver her
baby while she was under.The baby, named Ava, tested negative for COVID-19 but has had to be kept apart from her mother temporarily.Mrs
Primachenko shared a photo of her newborn on Sunday, writing: "Baby Ava is still in the NICU and i still haven't been able to see her in
person."The next day, the now mother-of-two announced she had been discharged from hospital, writing: "7 days in the hospital
10 days intubated
Thousands of prayers later I am home and it feels so good!!!!!"On March 30, her twin sister launched a fundraiser to help with the medical
Luiten wrote: "She has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and has been in the ICU for 4 days now and is 33 weeks pregnant
All we want is for Angela to be well, some have asked if there is anything they can do to help, prayers and financial support would be so
helpful."Hospital bills are crazy and Angela and David are small business owners so their insurance does not cover most of her stay."Two
weeks later, Ms Luiten shared a picture of herself with her sister, writing: "My twin not only survived COVID-19 but also gave birth while
being under an induced coma, I know, we all didn't even know that's possible."Feels surreal posting a picture with Angela next to me
The last two weeks I wasn't sure if I would ever take a new picture with her